Privacy policy

At TMF, we respect your privacy and we want to do everything that we can to keep your personal information safe.

What information do we collect?

In our role as administrator, we will collect various pieces of information when you first join the plan and when you apply for benefits. This typically includes name, date of birth, salary and/or plan contributions, and tax residence information. We may also collect bank details for benefit payments. We strive to collect only that information needed to administer your benefits and to comply with our legal obligations. We have written agreements with your employer or the Trustees. We comply with these agreements and various professional standards when processing personal data.

We also collect log data related to your requests to our server. This includes dates and times, IP addresses and browser / device data. In addition to this, when issuing an instruction through the website we record the instruction for audit purposes, the record consists of your unique identifier, location in the website and the nature of the instruction.

We will typically only share your information with certain regulatory bodies as required for tax purposes. In some circumstances, we may share your information with other providers to the plan as part of the administration process. If we transfer your data to other jurisdictions, we comply with applicable data protection laws.

What do we do with it?

Your personal information is used to maintain benefit records or to accurately perform benefit calculations. We are legally obliged under certain circumstances to report tax or regulatory information on benefits.

Log data is used to analyse performance of the website and to identify any issues with our services. We also use browsing logs to measure engagement with the service.

How long is it held?

Your personal information is held for only as long as it is needed to perform the terms of our client engagements. In some cases, legal requirements dictate that we continue to keep some records until a period of time has elapsed. Your information will be deleted, destroyed, or returned when we no longer have a legitimate business reason to retain it.

Is my information shared with anyone else?

We will only share your personal information outside of our firm to fulfill the terms of our client engagements. We may also be legally required to share some details (for example, to comply with regulatory or tax reporting obligations).

How can I get more details?

Our full privacy notice is available on our website