TMF Group is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience. This page describes the additional options that are available to help you view and navigate this website.
This web site supports most commonly-used browsers. Please be aware that websites tend to also work better with certain versions of a browser, and that may not always include the latest version of that browser.
Screen resolution
This website is designed to be responsive to ensure the site resolution is adjusted according to the device you are using it on. You can also use Ctrl + or Ctrl – to zoom in and out.
All content images on this site are provided with descriptive ALT attributes. Graphics that are purely decorative in function have empty ALT attributes, to prevent them from displaying on screen readers. Where images contain important information, such as graphs and charts, alternative information is provided in the form of inline descriptions.
All pages contain a link to the home page. The navigation system has been constructed in a consistent fashion to provide clear navigation pathways throughout the site.
If you would like to use a screen reader to read PDF documents you can find out more at the Adobe Access website.
In order to use the site to its full functionality JavaScript is required throughout. Whilst some of the site will still function for site visitors who do not have JavaScript enabled in their browsers some functionality may be missing.
Further assistance
If you have further questions or feedback relating to this website, please use our email form to contact us.